
HollaEx 2.10 (Manhattan)

• Date Published:
March 13, 2024
Manhattan v2.10 now includes improved Wallet P&L, Asset Search and improved Quick Trade UI
HollaEx 2.10 (Manhattan)
🌆 Manhattan v2.10: Wallet P&L, Asset Search and improved Quick Trade UI

Step into the future of cryptocurrency exchange technology with the much-anticipated release of HollaEx Manhattan v2.10! This groundbreaking update, the first of 2024, brings a wave of innovation to the table, enhancing the user experience and empowering exchange operators like never before.

Let's dive into the exciting features and improvements that await in this latest iteration of our white-label exchange software. 👇 (For a short summary of v2.10 please read the release notes here.)

📈 Wallet P&L

One of the most exciting additions to HollaEx Manhattan v2.10 is the introduction of the Wallet Profit and Loss (P&L) tracker. Now, users can effortlessly monitor the performance of their crypto portfolios with daily snapshots of asset balances and values.

P&L to show how much your wallet has profited or lost during the week. P&L is displayed typically in USDT terms (native asset set by operator).

The tracking will begin as soon as the update has been applied, meaning there won’t be any snapshot before 2.10).

To make room for the performance wallet trend the donut has taken a secondary role and miniaturized. The donut also breaks the assets into top % assets and puts the rest of the assets under the new label of ‘Other’. This allows the donut to be more easily read when a user may have many small balances for many assets.

Wallet performance over time chart. Click point in time in the chart to see the estimated value of your wallet.

A daily recorded snapshot of your wallet's balance and value.

🔍 Asset Search and Quick Trade markets

Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for assets on your exchange platform. With the new 'Assets' page prominently featured in the navigation bar, locating specific assets is a breeze. Whether you're accessing asset information, Quick Trade, or Pro Trade markets, everything you need is just a click away. Plus, with improved search functionality, finding your favorite assets has never been easier. Quick Trade markets are now readily accessible, marked with a distinctive ⚡ bolt symbol, ensuring seamless trading experiences for users globally.

The search will now function when searching the full name of an asset (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) as well as continue to work for shorthand symbols (BTC and ETH for example). The search will also function depending on different languages and characters.

⚡ Quick Trade UI

The Quick Trade UI has also been updated to now show larger fonts and clearer input of amounts. This new chunkier UI also comes with improved layout to more clearly show available tradable balances.

Alongside the updated Quick Trade UI, we've introduced numerous additional Quick Trade markets. These markets are seamlessly integrated into the platform as soon as the operator adds the corresponding asset to their exchange. Upon adding these assets, users worldwide gain the ability to deposit funds and trade these new assets using the enhanced Quick Trade interface.

We're excited to announce the inclusion of new assets and markets, including BONK, ROSE, EGLD, GNO, ALT, JTO, OSMO, CSPR, BEAM, RSD, GMX, and XAI, among many others. These newly added assets present a fantastic opportunity for operators to generate passive income from trading fees. As exchange operators, you'll earn a share of every trade executed on your platform, directly deposited into your wallet after settlement with the HollaEx Network (minus network fees).

HollaEx has over 100 of the top coins. To add a coin, simply go to your exchange's 'Operator Control Panel' and click 'Add Asset'. (Learn how)

Follow us on X for more listing details or on Discord for automated real-time system updates on coin listings, patches and upgrades.

📋 Admin Create Trade

This feature allows the exchange operator admin to create any custom trade with a custom price between any two assets and two users with a custom fee applied.

Admins can find this new ‘Create Trade’ in their exchange’s Operator Control Panel at on the ‘Assets’ page on the ‘Trades’ tab where the ‘Create Trade’ green button is located top right (see screenshot below 👇).

The create trade pop up includes each side of the trade: maker and taker users, assets price and a custom fee. This trade once mediated and executed by the admin will show up on each user's history page as a clear trade with the price details and the assets exchanged and transferred from one user's wallet to the other. This manual method of facilitating a trade can be useful for unique individual OTC deals and circumstances between parties that have reached a private understanding and agreement for the trade to take place.

Notable mentions

But wait, there's more!

  • Improved documentation guide for fiat on and off ramping system at https://docs.hollaex.com/how-tos/fiat-controls.
  • Improved mobile main navigation bottom tab bar. The tab bar combines both Quick and Pro Trades into one button and gives space for a History page tab. If the exchange includes a plugin (for example Banxa fiat plugin), the History tab will be replaced with Banxa.
  • Margin trading in the works (ETA late 2024)
Want to list your exchange on Apple's App Store or Google Play? Read more about our 🍎 iOS, Android, Windows and macOS app here.

🍹 Unveiling HollaEx Manhattan v2.10: Extra Exchange Power

Raise your glasses to the evolution of HollaEx! With Manhattan version 2.10, we're taking another leap forward in our commitment to providing unparalleled support for exchange operators. From the introduction of the Wallet P&L tracker to the revamped asset search and Quick Trade UI, each update is designed to enhance your trading experience and drive your business success.

Upgrade your exchange by clicking Upgrade on your HollaEx dashboard.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your exchange and unlock the full potential of HollaEx Manhattan!

Why Choose HollaEx® White Label Exchange?

As you relax with a refreshing Manhattan in hand 🍹, you might be wondering: why opt for HollaEx® among the myriad of white-label solutions available?

Firstly, HollaEx® boasts a market-leading backend and expert DevOps engineering services, meticulously crafted for seamless distribution. This ensures that our ready-made solution can be effortlessly deployed, saving you valuable time and resources.

Secondly, we've gathered a few accolades over the years from industry giants like G2, Slashdot, Sourceforge, Amazon AWS and Digital Ocean. Our track record speaks for itself, demonstrating our commitment to excellence in the crypto space.

Thirdly, our blockchain software is coming up 8 years young and has undergone rigorous testing over the years — guaranteeing unparalleled security. As one of the longest-running blockchain tools on the market, HollaEx® has naturally become one of the most trusted, robust white labels on the market.

Additionally, we offer the most competitive and transparent pricing, providing operators with full visibility into their investment from the outset. This transparency empowers operators to strategically plan for the long term, navigating the dynamic cycles of the crypto market with confidence.

Lastly, HollaEx® is unwavering in its dedication to delivering the best white-label CEX experience, with a steadfast focus on security. While others may offer a plethora of supplementary services, our primary goal remains singular: ensuring that your exchange experience is unparalleled!

So, why wait? 👉 Start your own exchange business today.


Curious about the financial aspects of running an exchange?

Explore our detailed breakdown in the ‘Ultimate Guide to Exchange Costs’.

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